March 2 SFPE Charlotte Meeting
Seismic Overview - NFPA 13 - 2016
The presentation will provide an overview of seismic requirements in the 2016 /edition of NFPA 13. The presentation will cover the six elements of seismic protections for water based extinguishing systems. The presentation will show different type of sway bracing on the market and available software to assist designers.
Presenter: Ralph Foster, P.E., - Foster Engineering & Consulting
Ralph Foster is a Fire Protection Engineer licensed in multiple states. He earned his degree in Mechanical Engineering for the University of South Carolina and holds several NFPA certifications. He worked for the SC State Fire Marshal's Office for 19 years before opening Foster Engineering & Consulting. He is a member of SFPE, NFPA, ICC, and AFSA. He is active in the CSRA Chapter of the SFPE, the SC Fire Sprinkler Contractors Association, and the SC Fire Marshals Association. He retired from the SC Army National Guard after 28 years of service. He is an Assistant Scoutmaster with Troop 10, and resides in Columbia with his family.
SFPE Greater Charlotte is a non-profit, all-volunteer, professional organization.